After the initial thrill of our engagement, the magazine bulk-buying and the daydreaming about lacy dresses, my focus shifted from all things wedding to more pressing issues, namely the (as yet still to come) arrival of our little baby. But now that the pixie is 4 days overdue and I can barely manage to waddle outside the front door I am trying to come up with new ways to distract myself from the constant wonderings about when? When? When? I've made cakes. I've knitted. I've cleaned everything in the flat several times over. I've bounced around for hours on my Swiss ball.... so now I'm going to do what I said I wouldn't do until well into 2010: wedding planning. My beautiful future sister-in-law also got engaged last weekend so everybody seems to be wedding crazy at the moment. I'm wishing for a summer wedding in the countryside, a lovely sunny contrast to these grey autumn days, and I want our day to be filled with bright sunny colour and big wide smiles.
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